Survey Questions
- What is your perception of living walls?
- Would you consider installing a living wall in your house or home?
- What are the top 3 benefits of living walls?
- Top reasons for choosing moss walls over living walls
Consumers Answered
Living Walls: High Favorability and Intent to Install
Our survey reveals a strong preference for living walls, with 88% viewing them favorably. Interest in installing these walls at home or office is also high at 78%. The top benefits perceived by consumers are improved air quality (64%), aesthetic appeal (59%), and stress reduction (48%).
Moss Walls: Chosen for Practicality
Moss walls stand out for their lower maintenance and cost. 72% prefer them for their ease of upkeep, while 65% choose them for being more affordable. These insights reflect a trend towards practical, sustainable indoor greenery.
What is your view of living walls?
Would you consider installing a living wall at home or at work?
What are the top 3 benefits of living walls?
Top reasons for choosing moss walls over living walls?

Price as a factor is not corroborated by income and garden budget crosstabs
- If price is a key factor, we’d expect it to be more important for smaller budgets & lower incomes
- Instead, it’s actually gardeners with higher budgets that plant more frequently from seeds
- To get a more complete picture, we’re working on crosstabs for Experience Level – stay tuned
Survey Background
This insight combines data from three separate surveys, Global Living Walls Survey (World Green Infrastructure Council), Moss Wall Survey, and Consumer Reports: Green Walls in the Home. Living walls and moss wall fall under the category of biophilic design.