
Natives Ceritfy your Garden as a Wildlife Habitat

Awareness of Wildlife Certification Programs

Are gardeners aware they can certify their gardens as wildlife habitats? This Insight explores results from a recent survey, and includes additional info such as which certifying organizations gardeners are aware of, and more.

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Statistics Trends for Landscaping

2024 Digs: Top Landscaping Choices by Gardeners

In 2024, gardeners faced diverse choices in landscaping, from expanding to scaling back projects. This post explores how projects unfolded and the factors, especially rising costs, influencing these decisions. Uncover insights into the current landscaping landscape and gardeners’ adaptive strategies.

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Gardeners’ Retail Preferences and Shifts in 2024

Explore key insights into gardeners’ retail preferences in 2024. Our survey investigates the choice between independent garden centers and big box retailers, focusing on pricing, plant variety, convenience, and customer service. This insight highlights the driving forces behind these preferences and their implications.

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Navigating the Garden Aisles: Big Box Stores vs. Independent Centers

Explore the factors driving gardeners to choose between big box stores and local garden centers. This post delves into the survey data revealing why some prefer the convenience of big box retailers, while others opt for the quality and service of independent centers. Uncover the key considerations that influence these shopping decisions in the gardening community.

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Citrus: What Consumers Desire in Oranges & Mandarin Varieties

Explore the vibrant world of oranges and mandarin varieties in our latest insight! We delve into the nuanced preferences of consumers, uncovering what makes these specific citrus fruits a favorite choice. From the essence of flavor to the appeal of appearance, join us as we sift through compelling research to reveal the key factors driving consumer decisions in the world of oranges and mandarins.

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Trends in Garden Watering Irrigation

Garden Watering Trends: Insights from a Recent Survey

Explore the varied ways gardeners keep their gardens lush and healthy in our latest survey analysis. From hand watering to sophisticated in-ground solutions, we uncover the preferred methods and what they reveal about current gardening practices. Dive into the data to see how different watering techniques are shaping gardens today.

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Garden Education

Long-Form Content in Gardening: Still Effective, Still Relevant?

In 2023, gardeners faced diverse choices in landscaping, from expanding to scaling back projects. This post explores how projects unfolded and the factors, especially rising costs, influencing these decisions. Uncover insights into the current landscaping landscape and gardeners’ adaptive strategies.

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Sustainability Trends in Gardening

Cultivating Consciously: Gardeners’ Eco-Friendly Choices

Exploring the nuances of eco-friendly gardening, this post delves into gardeners’ organic practices and their stance on key environmental issues. We investigate concerns from garden plastics to chemical use, shedding light on the motivations behind sustainable gardening choices.

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